


Video manual » History » Version 2

Robertas Virpša, 04/18/2019 11:03 PM

1 1 Robertas Virpša
h1. Video manual
2 1 Robertas Virpša
3 1 Robertas Virpša
The purpose of this section is to group in a single page all webinar classes made over time. This it will give an opportunity to those who could not follow live these classes to  have always with them the full archive. You can simply choose to play videos or download them via the appropriate button Download Video located at the top right of the screen.
4 1 Robertas Virpša
5 1 Robertas Virpša
Below the list of videos by topic:
6 1 Robertas Virpša
7 1 Robertas Virpša
8 1 Robertas Virpša
9 1 Robertas Virpša
10 1 Robertas Virpša
11 1 Robertas Virpša
Planning + Guest management + Front office
12 1 Robertas Virpša
13 2 Robertas Virpša
How to use the reservation tape chart, change settings and set filters. Search for an existing reservation or guest, run occupancy analyses and resource status evaluations. View arriving guests, check in reservations, review housekeeping functionalities and manage rooms which are out of order.
14 1 Robertas Virpša
15 1 Robertas Virpša
16 1 Robertas Virpša
17 1 Robertas Virpša
Individual reservation + Details (on reservation) + Bill creation
18 1 Robertas Virpša
19 2 Robertas Virpša
Insert a new individual reservation and make changes to an existing one. Change reservation details, add extra charges, modify arrival and departure dates. Issue bills for a single account and in a multi-folio scenario. LINK
20 1 Robertas Virpša
21 1 Robertas Virpša
22 1 Robertas Virpša
23 1 Robertas Virpša
Share guest management
24 1 Robertas Virpša
25 2 Robertas Virpša
Create reservations with multiple guests where room is associated to a main guest. LINK
26 1 Robertas Virpša
27 1 Robertas Virpša
28 1 Robertas Virpša
29 1 Robertas Virpša
Group reservation + Bill creation
30 1 Robertas Virpša
31 2 Robertas Virpša
Insert a group reservation and make changes to an existing one. Issue bills for a single account and in a multi-folio scenario. LINK
32 1 Robertas Virpša
33 1 Robertas Virpša
34 1 Robertas Virpša
35 1 Robertas Virpša
Deposits and Down payments
36 1 Robertas Virpša
37 2 Robertas Virpša
Associate deposits and down payments to reservations; issue respective non-fiscal and fiscal receipts. View available reports. LINK 
38 1 Robertas Virpša
39 1 Robertas Virpša
40 1 Robertas Virpša
41 1 Robertas Virpša
Routing + Bills and Pending Bills Management
42 1 Robertas Virpša
43 2 Robertas Virpša
How to apply a billing rule on a single reservation or create a predefined one. How to manage and collect payments due. LINK
44 1 Robertas Virpša
45 1 Robertas Virpša
46 1 Robertas Virpša
47 1 Robertas Virpša
Document Management and Available Reports
48 1 Robertas Virpša
49 2 Robertas Virpša
How to issue a new document, modify or void an existing one, create a draft and issue a credit note. Analysis of available reports on documents and document summary. LINK
50 1 Robertas Virpša
51 1 Robertas Virpša
52 1 Robertas Virpša
53 1 Robertas Virpša
Front Office and Manager Reports
54 1 Robertas Virpša
55 2 Robertas Virpša
Analyses of available reports on: guest management, housekeeping, meals, occupancy analyses, daily summary, reservation statistics and revenue according to room type. LINK 
56 1 Robertas Virpša
57 1 Robertas Virpša
58 1 Robertas Virpša
59 1 Robertas Virpša
Customer Relationship Management module configuration + Comparative Quotations
60 1 Robertas Virpša
61 2 Robertas Virpša
How to create newsletters, define recurring events and program automatic email marketing activities. Send comparative quotations, search for past offers and create new templates. Create reservation confirmation emails from the reservation card using the CRM module. LINK
62 1 Robertas Virpša
63 1 Robertas Virpša
64 1 Robertas Virpša
65 1 Robertas Virpša
Optimizing occupancy using the Yield management module
66 1 Robertas Virpša
67 2 Robertas Virpša
How to increase and optimize occupancy using the Yield management module. LINK
68 1 Robertas Virpša
69 1 Robertas Virpša
70 1 Robertas Virpša
71 2 Robertas Virpša
Create sales items 
72 1 Robertas Virpša
73 2 Robertas Virpša
How to create revenue levels and standard sales items with and without modifiers. LINK
74 1 Robertas Virpša
75 1 Robertas Virpša
76 2 Robertas Virpša
Inventory Items 
77 1 Robertas Virpša
78 2 Robertas Virpša
How to insert storeroom items and create recipes. LINK
79 1 Robertas Virpša
80 1 Robertas Virpša
81 1 Robertas Virpša
82 2 Robertas Virpša
Inventory Management 
83 1 Robertas Virpša
84 2 Robertas Virpša
Inventory management, orders, invoices and transfers. Stock control reports and analyses. LINK
85 1 Robertas Virpša
86 1 Robertas Virpša
87 1 Robertas Virpša
88 1 Robertas Virpša
Booking Engine New Rate configuration
89 1 Robertas Virpša
90 2 Robertas Virpša
Crate a new rate, define deposit and cancellation policies, set prices (per room/per person), rate components, add-on services and calendar price range definition. LINK
91 1 Robertas Virpša
92 1 Robertas Virpša
93 1 Robertas Virpša
94 1 Robertas Virpša
Booking Engine Sales strategies
95 1 Robertas Virpša
96 2 Robertas Virpša
Define rate strategies, minimum stay, maximum stage, borrow room inventory, overbooking. LINK
97 1 Robertas Virpša
98 1 Robertas Virpša
99 1 Robertas Virpša
100 1 Robertas Virpša
Booking Engine Promotions, packages and secret offers
101 1 Robertas Virpša
102 2 Robertas Virpša
How to create offers, packages and customized promotions. // Create secret offers (CRM module is necessary). LINK
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