


Voucher » History » Version 3

Robertas Virpša, 10/29/2020 09:36 AM

1 1 Robertas Virpša
h1. Voucher
2 1 Robertas Virpša
3 1 Robertas Virpša
To sell vouchers, go to the Accounting-> voucher.
4 1 Robertas Virpša
5 1 Robertas Virpša
6 1 Robertas Virpša
7 1 Robertas Virpša
Push the button "Insert"
8 1 Robertas Virpša
9 1 Robertas Virpša
10 2 Robertas Virpša
11 2 Robertas Virpša
Select cash flow type: Voucher and set voucher expiry date. 
12 2 Robertas Virpša
13 2 Robertas Virpša
14 3 Robertas Virpša
15 3 Robertas Virpša
Write a voucher code to your template. This code has been needed when guests will use vouchers. 
16 3 Robertas Virpša
17 3 Robertas Virpša
18 3 Robertas Virpša
h.1 Use voucher
19 3 Robertas Virpša
20 3 Robertas Virpša
On the moment of payment select payment type: Use deposit
21 3 Robertas Virpša
22 3 Robertas Virpša
23 3 Robertas Virpša
24 3 Robertas Virpša
Select button Use and Voucher
25 3 Robertas Virpša
26 3 Robertas Virpša
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