


Revenue level » History » Version 3

Akvilė Rudaitytė, 05/22/2019 10:34 AM

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h1. Revenue level
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Revenue level is category of products and services which hotel provides for guests. Revenue level helps us to see in reports what categories brings us what revenue. For example accommodation, restaurant, spa - it can be as much different Revenue level as we want. For example we have some SPA services which are included is special offers. After some time we want to see, how much revenue these specific services brought during period. So we can create new Revenue level which  will be "SPA services (SPECIAL OFFERS)"
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We have to go Settings -> Index tables -> Revenue levels:
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here we can see all BIG CATEGORIES - Revenue levels and SMALLER SUBCATEGORIES - also Revenue levels. We want to create new SPA subcatecory, so we have to push on "SPA" and press button "Create":
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then new subcategory appears: 
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Fields we have to fill:
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*Code and Description* - we filling for ourselves to be clear. 
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*Print mode* "Sell item description" - because when we are creating new sell item, we have to choose Revenue level. (how to create new sell item: [[New sell item]]
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*Cash register code* appears automatically.
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*External Code 1 /2* : this code should be told by our finance department. When we are creating new Reveneue level we have to inform finance department, ant department will tell us the external code. Then all these sell items which belongs to specific Revenue level will come to finance system in this code and this is how they recognise what is the product. 
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M*ark on "Group same price"* means, that if there will be 5 same product charges in one bill, it will be write in one line with amount "5" instead of 5 different lines. 
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And press INSERT. 
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New Revenue level is created. 
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