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Akvilė Rudaitytė, 06/06/2019 01:01 PM

NIGHT AUDIT procedure

When you checked that "Issued bills" report and x report from cash machine is with the same amounts, you are ready to do night audit. Night audit has to meet same rules. One, the most important - all departing guest bills should be paid before night audit. If there


1. We go to "Activities" and "Night audit" button.

We can see some information here.

Accounting: all cash movements and transactions which were made today.
Outstanding bills: it shows us if there are some outstanding bills (when it will be closed later)
Cash: it shows us what transactions were made.
Charges: it shows us what extra charges have been made for today.

Below you can see two different option "Verify" or "Process":

2. If we want to see more information about today's actions and bills press "Verify"

No show: here you can see all no shows till that management day.
Room change: here you can see what room change you have made per day.
Still opened bills: this area shows how many bills we still have to close today (night audit is not possible with still open bills)
Operator cash movements: it shows us what money operations have been made today.
Guests not departed: it shows us that there are some departing guests which didn't check out.
Not printed arrival card: this part shows us that there are one arrival which already checked in, but arrival cards were not printed for them.
Charges from device: it show us what additional extra charges were charged from this computer.

This "Varify" area is very useful when we doing night audit and something is wrong. We can open this area and check maybe there are some bills which are not paid, or guest which did not departure yet.

3. If we want to start night audit, press "Process".

If there are some bills which are still open, after "Process" bill, the table appears:

that means that not all bills are closed. To check what bill is still open, we press "Varify" and "Still opened bills" and here we see reservation which is with still opened bill. Click it two times and reservation will open. You have to close the bill.

When bill is closed, press "Process" again. The table comes :

It just warns us that there are no shows for today and arrival cards were not printed for them. It is ok for us, so we press "OK"

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