


Move reservation » History » Version 6

Akvilė Rudaitytė, 06/04/2019 09:13 AM

1 1 Robertas Virpša
h1. Move reservation
2 2 Robertas Virpša
3 2 Robertas Virpša
1) You can move reservation with 2 different methods
4 2 Robertas Virpša
5 2 Robertas Virpša
a) Change room number in reservation
6 2 Robertas Virpša
7 2 Robertas Virpša
a.1) Open reservation
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9 2 Robertas Virpša
10 2 Robertas Virpša
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a.2) Change room number and push button "Apply"
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13 2 Robertas Virpša
14 3 Robertas Virpša
15 3 Robertas Virpša
16 3 Robertas Virpša
b) Use "Move" function on planning
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18 3 Robertas Virpša
b.1) Use right mouse button in any free place on the planning. Select "Move" function.
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20 3 Robertas Virpša
21 4 Robertas Virpša
22 4 Robertas Virpša
b.2) Select reservation with left mouse click and drop down to preferred room
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24 4 Robertas Virpša
25 4 Robertas Virpša
26 4 Robertas Virpša
27 4 Robertas Virpša
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b.3)If you want to move not all reservation but just from specific day, you have to do the same function "Move reservation" and then press on the date from which you want to move it:
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then you will see red line on the date. Now you can took reservation ant move just from that day. It will be the same one reservation and You don't need to "check out" previous one.
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b.4) After you need deselect "Move" function to "Insert reservation" function:
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39 4 Robertas Virpša
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