


Move reservation » History » Version 2

Robertas Virpša, 04/15/2019 01:49 PM

1 1 Robertas Virpša
h1. Move reservation
2 2 Robertas Virpša
3 2 Robertas Virpša
1) You can move reservation with 2 different methods
4 2 Robertas Virpša
5 2 Robertas Virpša
a) Change room number in reservation
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7 2 Robertas Virpša
a.1) Open reservation
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9 2 Robertas Virpša
10 2 Robertas Virpša
11 2 Robertas Virpša
a.2) Change room number and puch button "Apply"
12 2 Robertas Virpša
13 2 Robertas Virpša
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