


Add-on service creation » History » Version 2

Robertas Virpša, 06/25/2019 04:51 PM

1 1 Robertas Virpša
h1. Add-on service creation
2 1 Robertas Virpša
3 1 Robertas Virpša
a) Need create new sell item. How do it you can find here:
4 1 Robertas Virpša
5 1 Robertas Virpša
6 1 Robertas Virpša
7 1 Robertas Virpša
8 1 Robertas Virpša
9 1 Robertas Virpša
10 1 Robertas Virpša
11 1 Robertas Virpša
b) Need create add-on service
12 2 Robertas Virpša
13 2 Robertas Virpša
Go to prices and Add-on services
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15 2 Robertas Virpša
16 2 Robertas Virpša
17 2 Robertas Virpša
18 2 Robertas Virpša
19 2 Robertas Virpša
20 2 Robertas Virpša
21 2 Robertas Virpša
Sell item:
22 2 Robertas Virpša
Use the key F4 to access one of the products (e.g. Garage, Transfer,...). previously configured in the program.
23 2 Robertas Virpša
24 2 Robertas Virpša
*Now define the characteristics of the auxiliary service:*
25 2 Robertas Virpša
26 2 Robertas Virpša
Specify a calculation method for the value of the product:
27 2 Robertas Virpša
One-off: the accessory is charged one time only during the stay.
28 2 Robertas Virpša
Per night: the value is charged a number of times equal to the guest's nights of stay.
29 2 Robertas Virpša
Per customer: charged one time for every guest of the booking.
30 2 Robertas Virpša
Per night / person: the product is charged upon booking for a number of times equal to the number of guests* and the nights of stay.
31 2 Robertas Virpša
Per week: charged one time every seven days of stay.
32 2 Robertas Virpša
Per week / person: the product is charged upon booking one time every seven days of stay for every guest.
33 2 Robertas Virpša
34 2 Robertas Virpša
Handle quantity*
35 2 Robertas Virpša
By checking the box you can determine how many of the available accessories you intend to charge upon booking.
36 2 Robertas Virpša
(E.g. if the accessory is calculated per night, per one-week stay, it is possible to determine the purchase for only 3 days).
37 2 Robertas Virpša
Otherwise, the quantity of accessories and the relative cost proposed by the program cannot be changed.
38 2 Robertas Virpša
39 2 Robertas Virpša
40 2 Robertas Virpša
Select the key to access the price definition form.
41 2 Robertas Virpša
42 2 Robertas Virpša
Season; Start\End
43 2 Robertas Virpša
Access one of the configured seasons or manually define the validity period of the price.
44 2 Robertas Virpša
45 2 Robertas Virpša
46 2 Robertas Virpša
You can type a value in foreign currency or as a percentage of the cost of the first day for the price of the product. The price is inclusive of taxes.
47 2 Robertas Virpša
48 2 Robertas Virpša
Once you have completed the configuration, use the accessory as additional component of one or several sales boards. Click on to access the section Insert rate.
49 2 Robertas Virpša
50 2 Robertas Virpša
c) Need assignee this add-on service to rate. 
51 2 Robertas Virpša
52 2 Robertas Virpša
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